The phenomenon of dental tourism and the role of Poland in its steady growth

Travel to another state just to mend teeth or better their appearance? Dental touristry grows and numerous foreign patients come to get a beautiful smile to Poland.

Author: fdecomite

How is it that Polish dental centers appeal to clients even from overseas?

The quantity of people seeking medical services outside of their homeland is expected to exceed 780 million in the current year and the value of the medical touristry industry is approximated at $100 billion €. A significant part of this is the credit of dental services, for which Poland is becoming an essential center in Europe. According to experts, the aging generations, the prolonged life expectancy, and the imcreasing understanding of one's own condition and available cures boost the need for developed medical services. Seeking for a tolerable price often requests going abroad. Among the most popular areas of the medical tourism are the following: plastic surgery, cardiology and dentistry. Recently in development of dental tourism Poland has been a head in its geographic zone. In company with the Czech Republic and Hungary our country is the most relevant medical center in the Central Europe. The prices of treatment at a trustworthy clinic in Poland are proportionate to those of a regular clinic abroad.

Therefore, patients prefer to treat themselves for comparable amount in Poland and be assured that the healing will be carried out at a decent level with a promise of durable effects. Polish medical centers are ready to offer quality services to international patients, and at significantly lower costs than in the West.
23/04/22, 07:25:02
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