Developing software - is it worth keeping this inside your firm?

If you own a firm which work software, you probably were already wondering before about employing an external company in this field. Like everything else, this has some pros and cons.

Firstly, 2 main things should be considered: First - is it worth to use softare activity inside your firm instead of establishing cooperation with software house? Especially when some of them is so great. Second - when is the appropriate time to employ software development company? Sadly, there is no simple advice for it.

software development company

software house
Author: Ray Bilcliff

Certainly, you must form your own opinion regarding using external software development company. There is no the universal advice good for every enterprise.

The best answer seems to be as following: leave in-house your main activities which generate main income for the company. Other activities, you should transfer to an external software house.

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Therefore, if software is not one of the core activities of your enterprise, you should probably use the external company. Because of that, you will be able to concentrate as much as possible on main activities, without being bothered with less important tasks. As product development is very time-consuming, it requires many professionals that work solely on that. As employing such specialists is hard, it would probably be a lot more productive to have a software development company that will be working on that field for enterprise. However, such service are not cheap- but still you can check it at .

Therefore, proper calculations of costs need to be conducted.

All in all, usually hiring the software development company pays off. But not always. And it is why the binding decision still belongs to you.
20/05/30, 08:01:04
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