Fine alternatives for extraordinary holidays

Right now, Polish people are traveling whole around the planet. We are visiting America, driving on an elephants in India, and do a lot of sightseeing in Athens. All thanks to cheap airline companies, which are available for us, since our country became part of European Union.

But if you like your vacations to be more extraordinary, here are 2 great options for you.
Do you ever visITed Russia? If not, you have to reserve flights to Petersburg right away, cause this amazing town is one of a kind. It was founded in the eighteenth century from the real beginning, as a symbol of
Author: Ana Paula Hirama
Russian domination in that part of continent (see what i found). Because of that, architecture up here is astonishing. You would observe in there not only great examples of temples, but also a lot of houses and art galleries. Flights to Petersburg need to be booked, just because of the Ermitage Museum, where you can find pieces of the best artists in the world - Rembrandt, Rubens, Picasso and far more.

Author: Roman Boed
If you're a fan of nature, you have to book cheap flights to Slovakia. This beautiful country, located close to our southern border, will satisfy each person, who like to spend holidays in very active way. You'll find in there great landscapes within the mountains, lovely rivers, and ancient forest. If you are only interested in cheap flights to Slovakia, you need to book your tickets several months ahead, cause this destination is really popular (discover more here). Also, don't take registered baggage option - you have to pay for it extra. Carry on should be enough.
According of the way you like to spend your summer week, another alternative will be the best for you.

Try Petersburg if you want to explore phenomenal city, filled with great objects of architecture. And if you better like to stay in touch with environment, you have to go to Slovakia, wildlife in there is amazing.
19/10/07, 21:34:05
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