Practical data about pharmaceutical packaging

What pharmaceutical packaging is and what is its function?

Pharmaceutical packaging is an important factor in securing product and informating patient about ingredients. It also provides well presentation of the product, its insurance, identification information, containment during repositoringand transporting.

Every single step is highly required to this final moment when product is consumed. Pharmaceutical packaging must protect content against harmful conditions, and also biological and chemical danger. The package is obligated to ensure stability of the drug product throughout its lifetime.

Package must also assure patients by providing them complete information about product they take. It has to be aesthetically made as well to encourage to buy with well looking design.

Types of pharmaceutical packaging

There’re two most popular sort of packagings: primary and secondary.

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Primary are those that first envelops the product and hold it (aerosols, blister packs, bottles etc.). Secondary are for instance boxes and cantons ‒ they’re external package, in which primary packagings are located.

Information on pharmaceutical packaging

Prescription medicine packaging very often is is avaliable to buy with apaper information leaflet. No matter this fact, physician is at all times obligated to get a conversation with a patient and inform him about causes and contraindications for every single ingredient.

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Author: Toshiyuki IMAI

Drug label have to include information about substances used in drug, warehouse conditions, expiry date, name of the place product has been manufactured and license number.

How to keep packed medical products?

pharmaceutical packaging
Author: Sterling College

Majorityof pharmaceutical products are sensitiveto temperature changing.

Taking it into consideration, special distribution systems are required. huge medical packs are transported with ice or gellbags. It is quite often that this kind of products are packed with temperature data logger.
23/07/28, 07:36:04
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