Why more and more tourists are flying by airplanes?

Times, when we were cruising trough continent by bus, spending a lot of hours to get to our travel point, are over. Nowadays, plenty of young people are traveling by airplane. Nothing wrong with that - thanks to youngest airline companies, we can buy cheap ticket for flights whole around the globe. Even trip from Europe to Australia is in our reach, but we have to find good deal. Make sure that your vacations will be perfect and low-price, by fallowing some tips.

Longer weekends

Thanks to airplanes, travelers might flights to very distant towns in three hours. Because of that, people are taking longer weekends in their jobs, to see one of famous metropolis. If there were no planes, voyage like that will took 12 hours! The only problem is to getting out from airport to the city center – sometimes it is very far away. But there are taxis, and still it is shorter journey then by bus.
Author: Bernal Saborio
From: http://www.flickr.com


In past, we use to take even three bags for our journey, collecting plenty of clothes, sport stuff, even groceries. Now, if we want to take all of it to our plane, it will cost us fortune! In price of our ticket, we only have one baggage (and how big it is, is up to regulations of airline corporation) (click there). If we must to take extra bag with us (which can contains food) we have to pay extra for it. Often, if we buy registered baggage, it cost us twice! So when you are interested only in cheap flights, be smart during packing.

What take with me on plane?

If you are taking just carry-on baggage, you must to know some rules. Before your trip, be sure that size and weight of your bag is permissible, to avoid extra costs. Furthermore, you couldn't carry any liquids (bigger then 100ml), food, beverages and sharp objects. It you got any of that, it will be confiscated by guards. Beside your carry-on baggage, you may also have a personal item with you - it could be a handbag, a rucksack or suitcase – not to large and also without forbidden items.
Author: Tom Dennis Radetzki
From: http://www.flickr.com

How to find the best deal?

If you are arranging a very cheap holiday, you have to know how to buy flight ticket clever.
You should avoid hot seasons – July, August or longer weekends. If you are going to visit Barcelona, for instance, try to find tickets for May, June or September flights – it should be even couple times cheaper, but the temperature still could be nice. Plus there are fewer people, so you avoid crowd on the beach (learn a little bit more).
Buy your ticket six months or couple days before your trip – first and last minute options often are the cheapest. But every now and then first minute trips can be deleted, if it will be to few buyers. On the other hand, if you buy last minute, you must to be aware that you may not find anything interesting, and you just go on holiday to any random destination.

Nowadays, many of younger traveler choosing flights over car trips for their journey mode of transportation. It is not odd – this way is faster, more convenient and often even cheaper. If we are aware of couple rules, we will be able to buy very cheap air tickets, and spare some more money to spend in time of our holiday.
19/10/26, 01:56:05
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